内容简介:When Reena's village falls into the hands of a brutal landlord, she seeks the help of a warrior known only as The Legend. She should have been afraid after all the stories she's heard at her father's knees, but from the moment she meets him, it is not fear she feels but fierce passion. Magnus has never known a lass brave enough to look him in the eye, let alone one who would plead for his help. Yet here was a sweet-spirited woman who inspires a deep yearning within him. He is willing to save her people, for a price. But once Reena uncovers his secrets, will she regret making a bargain with the devil, or find a sinful passion in his arms .?
作者简介:Part of the fun in writing, Donna Fletcher admits, is doing the research. But it is with her characters that she has the most fun. She loves giving life to fresh characters and feels their excitement as they face the pleasures and pitfalls of falling in love. Donna's own adventures have taken her to England, Ireland, and Scotland. She has walked the fields where battles were fought centuries ago, toured haunted castles, stood where beheadings were commonplace, explored the mystic mounds of long ago, and collected a plethora of memories and research that will live long in her heart and mind. She also loves exploring and photographing old abandoned homes, and she often takes long walks in the woods with camera in hand. She feels her life is rich and full, having three terrific sons, two fantastic daughters-in-law, an endless supply of friends, a loving dog, and a crazy, black, one-eyed cat named Bear.