内容简介:The 'Lightning Girl' has lost her powers! Or at least that's what Jess would like the media and the government to think. All Jess wants is to be left alone - well, except by Rob, the hottest senior in detention. But it doesn't look like Jess is going to get her wish - especially not while she's stuck working at a summer camp for musically gifted kids who are more than interested in their councellor's psychic abilities. And, when the father of a missing girl shows up, begging her to find his daughter, Jess knows that she can't refuse. Now the feds are on her trail again, as well as one very angry stepdad, who'd like to see Lightning Girl ...dead.
作者简介:Born in Indiana, Meg Cabot spent her childhood in pursuit of air conditioning - which she found in the public library where she spent most of her time. She is the author of the bestsellng Princess Diaries and All American Girl. Meg has lived in California and France and currently resides in New York City with her husband.